Stay informed on the things that could influence your financial picture the most.
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A Bucket Plan to Go with Your Bucket List
John and Mary are nearing retirement and they have a lot of items on their bucket list. Longer life expectancies mean John and Mary may need to prepare for two or even three decades of retirement. How should they position their money?
January 10, 2022 Weekly Market Insights
A jump in yields sparked by a more aggressive sounding Federal Reserve sent the market lower to start the new year.
Fixed or Variable Mortgage, Which Should You Pick?
Buying a home is the single-largest financial commitment most people ever make.
Pay Yourself First
Each month, you settle down to pay bills.
January 3, 2022 Weekly Market Insights
Stocks closed out the year on a mostly positive note, adding to the year’s gains as concerns about the economic issues of Omicron infections receded.